Top Questions Coming Out of 2019 MJBizCon

Like many exhibitors and presenters at MJBizCon, we came away from the event invigorated by the hundreds of conversations we had with current & prospective clients. The exhibition floor was bustling, and the questions posed to us throughout the 3-day event certainly reaffirms what we already know: the industry is GROWING – but the where, who & how is still very much TBD.


Top 5 Questions & Answers from MJBizCon

  1. Can BDS Analytics retail sales tracking data be used for my marketing efforts?

We love receiving this question, and the answer is Y-E-S! Though our retail partners take advantage of the many benefits of our data, its use as a marketing tool is often overlooked. The easiest strategy you can implement immediately is activating a promotional offer. Perhaps it’s a sale on a particular brand, product or category; maybe you pick a certain day of the week to offer a discount across the board – that part is up to you.

Once your promotion has run for at least a month, review your daily sales data, keeping an eye out for sales spikes related to the promotion. The test of efficacy is in the numbers!

Looking for other ways to leverage data for marketing? Reach out to us! Our team of account managers is ready to help!


  1. Does BDSA have presence in Canada?

We do, indeed! Our Consumer Insights and Industry Intelligence services (reports & forecasts) have offered coverage on our Northern neighbors since 2015. We are excited to launch retail sales tracking in early 2020. Until then, expect to see a lot more of us in Canada, kicking off with Lift’s Vancouver event January 9-11.


  1. Which states will be coming on board in the GreenEdge® platform in 2020?

With the launch of Maryland in November, we have officially kicked off our eastward expansion! We expect to double our retail coverage in 2020 to include Florida, Michigan, Illinois, Massachusetts, and several other key cannabis states in addition to Canada.


  1. Is Roy’s accent real?

We always enjoy a good laugh with this question. Roy’s accent is indeed real, having been born and raised in the U.K. Roy made the journey across the pond in 1993 and officially became a U.S. citizen this past year. The charming accent is also here to stay!


  1. What do you predict will be the biggest trend in 2020?

From terpenes to consolidation, naming one trend above all others is a tough call. Keep your eyes peeled for our 2020 Top Trends release in early January! Maybe some of the top trends of 2019 will continue to evolve and further establish themselves in 2020.