COVID-19 Impact on U.S. Cannabis Markets
State Status
This page will be updated as new information becomes available.
As Americans endure another week under the restrictions set by government bodies as a result of the COVID-19 virus pandemic, many businesses have been forced to address their “essential” status, forcing many to temporarily close or adjust operations.
While most adult-use legal cannabis states have opted to consider both recreational and medical dispensaries within the essential status, notable and newly launched Massachusetts has restricted legal cannabis sales to only medical dispensaries.
Alaska: Stay-at-home order enforced. Medical and adult-use cannabis operating as “essential” businesses.
Arizona: The state has issued a stay-at-home order. Medical cannabis dispensaries are still operating as “essential” businesses.
California: Stay-at-home order has been issued. State-licensed cannabis companies are allowed to continue operating, with adult-use and medical dispensaries enforcing curbside-pickup and delivery.
Colorado: Both medical and recreational cannabis retailers are allowed to continue operations, under an executive order issued by the governor last week before he released a statewide stay-at-home order on March 25. Adult-Use Retail has been ordered to implement curbside-pickup until at least April 10.
Connecticut: Stay-at-home enforced. Medical cannabis operations are exempt from closures.
Delaware: Stay-at-home enforced. Medical cannabis operations are exempt from closures.
District of Columbia: Stay-at-home order enforced. Medical cannabis businesses deemed “essential.”
Hawaii: Stay-at-home enforced. Medical dispensaries deemed as “essential”
Illinois: Stay-at-home order enforced. All state-licensed cannabis growers and retailers deemed “essential.”
Louisiana: Stay-at-home order enforced. Medical cannabis businesses deemed “essential.”
Maryland: Stay-at-home order enforced. Medical cannabis businesses deemed “essential.”
Massachusetts: Stay-at-home simply advised, not ordered. All medical dispensaries deemed “essential.” Most are pushing patients to order online and then pick-up in-store. All Adult-Use retail license holders were sent a cease-and-desist letter and must close by noon on Tuesday, March 24th through noon on April 7th.
Michigan: Stay-at-home order enforced. Adult-use and recreational dispensaries allowed to operate through curbside-pick-up and delivery only.
Minnesota: Stay-at-home order enforced. Medical cannabis businesses deemed “essential.”
Montana: Stay-at-home order enforced. Medical cannabis businesses deemed “essential.”
New Hampshire: Stay-at-home order enforced. Medical cannabis businesses deemed “essential.”
New Jersey: Stay-at-home order enforced. Medical cannabis businesses deemed “essential.”
New Mexico: Stay-at-home order enforced. Medical cannabis businesses deemed “essential.”
New York: Stay-at-home order enforced. Medical cannabis businesses deemed “essential.”
Ohio: Stay-at-home order enforced. Medical cannabis businesses deemed “essential.”
Oklahoma: Partial stay-at-home has been issued by city. Medical cannabis businesses deemed “essential.”
Oregon: Stay-at-home order enforced. Medical and adult-use cannabis businesses operating through curbside pickup and delivery.
Rhode Island: Stay-at-home order enforced. Medical cannabis businesses deemed “essential.”
Vermont: Stay-at-home order enforced. Medical cannabis businesses deemed “essential.”
Washington: Stay-at-home order enforced. Adult-use and medical cannabis businesses deemed “essential” but are restricted to operating through curbside-pickup and delivery.