BDS Analytics’ Top 5: Exercise and Cannabis

To some, cannabis and exercise may seem like an unlikely pairing. But those in the know understand that cannabis in its various forms can serve as a great pre, during, or post-workout supplement. These Top 5 insights from BDS Analytics counter the “lazy stoner” stereotype and show that cannabis often is a welcome addition to Consumers’ workout routines.

  • Cannabis Consumers are health-conscious: Roughly four in 10 watch what they eat for health reasons (38%), and highly prioritize their personal health/wellness (43%).
  • Cannabis is viewed as a healthier alternative: More than six in 10 Consumers believe marijuana is healthier than alcohol, vs. one-third of Acceptors and one-tenth of Rejectors.
  • Cannabis Consumers are active: 50% say that physical activity plays an important role in their personal care, and 58% engage in physical activity on at least a weekly basis – a significantly greater percentage than non-Consumers.
  • Daily Consumers, Younger Consumers are more likely than average to incorporate cannabis into their workouts: One-quarter of Consumers who use cannabis daily say that they frequently pair cannabis with exercise. Similarly, 22% of Gen Z/Millennial Consumers (age 21+) say they frequently pair cannabis with exercise – which is roughly equal to the percentage who frequently pair cannabis with alcohol.
  • Inhalables products are the overall preferred consumption method (69%) among Consumers who frequently pair cannabis with exercise, while close to one-quarter say they prefer Edibles.

Click here to view and download our Today’s Health-Minded & Active Cannabis Consumer infographic.