Fresh Colorado Data Reveals Vape Pen Growth & Trends

During January of 2016, vape pens were on a healthy roll in Colorado. Sales had more than doubled compared to January of 2015, rising from $1.93 million during the month in 2015 to $5 million a year later. During the same period, the market share for vape pens had ballooned from 16 percent to 25 percent.

The upward trajectory of vape pens continued through 2016 and into 2017. New Colorado data for January of this year shows outstanding strength for vape pens, with $8.27 million in sales during the month. And vape pens’ claim on market share rose enough to oust the longtime market-share leader among concentrates — shatter. In January of 2016, shatter owned 27 percent of the concentrates market — making it No. 1 within the category — compared to vape pens’ 25 percent. But during January of this year, vape pens emerged as the top dog, with 27 percent of the market compared to shatter’s 22 percent.

Another interesting bit of data: cartridge-style vape pens grew enormously popular during the year, capturing 77 percent of the market in January of 2017 compared to disposable pens’ share of 23 percent. A year earlier, cartridge pens represented 64 percent of the vape pen market, and disposables grabbed 36 percent of the market.

Cartridges vs. disposable pens 2017

Cartridges vs. disposables 2017

The jockeying for dominance within the broad concentrates market, as well as the vape pen category, remains volatile and interesting. Consumer choice within cannabis evolves markedly as markets mature.